If you’re a professional offering a service, I know it’s happened to you. Someone ‘loves’ what you do, needs your services, and really WANTS to work with you, but ‘just can’t afford’ your services. Sound familiar? I knew it would; it hits all of us at one time or another. In fact, here’s what happened to Jade Ladson of www.thespecialoccasion.net recently. As she said, “I promise I do not make this stuff up!” Jade, thanks for sharing!
Person: I was just on your site and I love everything. How much do you charge for an event?
Jade: As mentioned on the site, our pricing starts at $650 but based on your vision it could go up. What is your budget?
Person: I don’t have a budget, that’s one of the things I need you for. Can you just tell me how much it’s going to be?
Jade: Sure, based on what you have expressed, we should be able to accommodate you for $650 plus the 10% discount for your affiliation with XXX Group.
Person: $650????? Wow, that’s a lot. I don’t think I can afford you. I was thinking it was going to be like $200.
Jade: I apologize for any confusion, but on what page of the site did you see that price? If you can show me where it is, I will be glad to honor it.
Person: Like you said, it says, ‘pricing starts at $650 but based on needs it could go up, I figured since I don’t need a lot, it could go down, too.”
Hmmm. Pretty big assumption, don’t you think?
How would you handle it? Well, you COULD go down on your price but why on earth would you want to? Maybe, just maybe, if it’s to benefit a non-profit group you love and want to help. But otherwise? No way! Your price is your price. Your fees are carefully considered, thoughtfully set, and you are worth every penny they’ll invest in your time, services and expertise. *
By standing your ground, in what I’m sure will be a polite but firm way like Jade, you have just given yourself a ‘raise’. Because when you are your own boss, that’s the way it works. Voting for yourself and holding firm to your pricing is like money in the bank. Because remember, time IS money!
* Not sure how to set fees and build value for your services, contact me for details on our upcoming ‘Fearless Friday’ workshop on just this topic.
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