The Client Who Would Not Sign

It happens to everyone, sooner or later… the Client who wants you to make a proposal. But then when it arrives, it’s ‘not exactly what I was looking for.’ So they ask for another proposal. Then, maybe even a third. Or fourth. Your frustration begins to mount, and you’re feeling a bit ‘used’, aren’t you? You’re getting nowhere fast… spending more and more of your time, and eating into any future profits you might make if and when they DO sign on the proverbial dotted line

Am I right?

Well, what’s a client-oriented businessperson like you supposed to do? You believe in exceeding expectations, but is there a limit?  Well, no… and YES!

Of course you pride yourself on providing superior service to your clients. It’s your hallmark.  BUT… when you find yourself in a situation like this, it’s time to take a time out and ask yourself these three questions:

1.)  Did I get enough information before agreeing to make a proposal?

2.)  Did I get verbal agreement on the type and scope of the project?

3.)  Did my proposal accurately respond to the request?

Remember, you are in business to serve, yes, but also to make a living. And you won’t do that by working for free.

Learning how to know when ‘enough is enough’ is a critical skill to develop. And one that will save you time, and earn YOU money, in the long run.

If I can help you, let me know…






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