You have a big idea. Really BIG! You’re zooming along and then WHAM. You hit a roadblock. Be it mental or actual, when you hit the wall, you’re at a dead stop, and some days it seems just too overwhelming to know which way to go next.
Meet the elephant in the room. When you find yourself firmly seated in the shadow of that overwhelming presence, it’s time to get help. Whether it’s the book you’re in the middle of writing and just can’t get finished, the business you want to boost to the next level and can’t quite figure out how, or a totally new concept you know the world’s waiting for on pins and needles while it sits – and sits and sits – in the recesses of you heart, mind and soul, let me help.
Working together, we’ll take your big idea, break it down, and break it down again, until we have a plan in chunks you can implement in whatever time you have. 5 minutes; 15 minutes; 50 minutes or 5 hours. I’ll help you name, claim and tame the elephant in your room so your BIG idea can go from overwhelming to over the top!